Every Wednesday Night  Church Worship Center
6:00-8:00 PM

Sunday Evening Student Community Groups
5:30-7:00 PM
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Redeemer Students exist to see every student love and follow Jesus and embrace the mission that He has given them. As a ministry for students, Redeemer Students is where students come together and hang with other students and adults who desire to build meaningful and authentic relationships while growing closer to Jesus Christ. Redeemer Students is where the gospel is central, and students are engaged while having tons of fun!

Loving Students

Because we believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to partner with parents in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process.

Loving Parents

The Bible makes it clear that the primary disciple makers for a child are their parents. We partner with parents to disciple their children.

On Mission

We want to see every student following Jesus and embracing the mission that God has given them. We equip students to be missionaries in their schools, with their friends, and in their homes. At Redeemer Students, we disciple students, entrust them with leadership, and give them opportunities to love and serve our church and the people of Rocky Mount.
Who Can Be a Part of Redeemer Students?
Redeemer Students is open to anyone who is a student between 6th grade and 12th grade.
Where does Redeemer Students meet?
Our Redeemer Students Wednesday Night Service gathers in our church's worship center here 2020 Old Mill Road.
Our Community Groups meet at different host homes. Fill out the Student Community Group interest form HERE so we can direct your students to the right community group.
What do students do in Student Community Groups?
In Community Groups, our students spend time enjoying fellowship, food, and sermon-guided discussion led by our Student Leaders.
What do students do at Student Gatherings?
At our Wednesday Night Student Service, our students come together for an evening of fellowship, worship, teaching, and at times, breakout discussion times with Student Leaders.
Why do we do both Sunday Community Groups and Wednesday Night Service?
We love the Sunday Community Group setting for our students because it gives them a more intimate environment that helps them foster deeper relationships, personalized discipleship, and involved discussion. Community Groups also help give consistency across the board — whether you’re an adult or student at Redeemer Church, we believe we grow best as disciples of Jesus Christ in community groups.

Our Wednesday Night Services gives all of our groups a chance to come together as one where they can learn and grow in worship, as well as experience helpful teaching that meets them right where they’re at in life.
How can I get involved in volunteering for Redeemer Students?
If you have an interest in volunteering as a leader with Redeemer Students, we’d love to hear from you! You can fill out this FORM to let us know.
Joining us for the first time? Let us know!
Hey there! Welcome to Redeemer Students—we’re so glad you’re here. If this is your first time joining us, we’d love to connect and learn more about you. Just take a minute to fill out this FORM, and we’ll be in touch soon!