News for 12/11/2022

Covenant Members: Don't forget to register for our family meeting. We are serving a meal and we need to have people register to ensure there is enough food.

Christmas Day: We will not gather on Christmas morning. Instead, we will consider our Christmas Eve services as our weekend gatherings. This decision is primarily driven by logistics. In short, for us to do Christmas Eve and Christmas morning services would require over 100 active volunteers serving less than 24 hours apart. Due to our space constraints, we would need to have multiple services on Christmas morning (two at minimum). Which requires numerous teams to be staffed at near normal levels (band, media, kids, security, connect, parking). Even if our attendance on that morning dropped by 1/3 (this past weekend over 600 people gathered on Sunday morning), we would still need two services on that Sunday. Hopefully, by the next time Christmas falls on a Sunday morning, we will have enough space that we could gather in one service with a minimal volunteer team to open the facility. Still, for this year on Christmas morning we will be re-streaming one of the Christmas Eve services and we are working on a family devotional video, for those with children, that you can use as part of worship in your home.
Christmas Eve: Our services are already starting to fill up! Please go to our Christmas Eve landing page and reserve seats:
SERVE Rocky Mount:  Learn more and register to serve here:
With food costs rising, many families will struggle to put Christmas dinner on the table. We are working with Ripe Revival to put together a food distribution event on Dec. 20th. Ripe Revival is still waiting to get final counts for food availability, but it appears that we will be able to provide food for at least 100 households.
Global Missions: On December 18th, we will receive a special offering for global missions. We have two destinations for this offering: 1) to financially sponsor a “mobile team” (those who take the gospel into unreached areas of India) with PGT Ministries. This costs between $11,000-12,000 a year to cover a mobile team and their travel. 2) We will send half of the offering to the International Mission Board.
Download Our App: Over the next six months, more and more news, content, group communications, etc. will be primarily through our Redeemer App. If you do not have the app, you can download it here:
End of the Year Giving: As you plan for any end of the year gifts, most of the info you will need for various types of gifts is available on this webpage. If you have any specific questions about giving, please email our Treasurer (Bob Horne) or Assistant Treasurer (Adam Lanier). They can both be reached at